Home > Ace Hardware Home Services Blog & News > Bath Tubs: What You Should Know

The bath tub is one of the most durable, long-lived, and generally immovable fixtures in the bathroom or anywhere else in your home. If you’re building a new home or completely renovating a bathroom, it can make a lot of sense to pick one of the many varieties of new bath tubs on the market; smaller remodeling might make refinishing the fixture a better solution. When determining which bath tubs might work for you and your space, here are a few things to keep in mind.

Bath Tubs

  • Size – Size matters when choosing most fixtures, and it is especially important in choosing bath tubs. The simplest way to determine the best size of fixture for you is to have the largest person who will be using the bath get into the model you’re considering. If the space is too tight on the showroom floor, it will certainly be too tight in your home.
  • Bath TubsDrain & Tap Placement – this is especially important in remodeling, but knowing where the rough-in plumbing is located can help you better select which of the bath tubs will be easiest to install. If the drain is slightly off, or the inlet not in the most convenient place, this can result in extra time being spent during installation, not to mention extra material and labor to connect the plumbing properly.
  • Weight & Volume – Bath tubs are made in a variety of materials, and that material greatly affects the weight of the tub. Make sure your floor can support the weight of a tub, and if the volume of the tub is increasing in a remodel, make sure your water heater has the capacity to support that greater demand for hot water.

For all of your bath tub needs in the Hickory, NC area, including installation and remodeling, our team at Ace Hardware Home Services has all of the tools to help you.