Tankless hot water heaters have become more and more popular in the last few years, and you have probably wondered why. There are many advantages to tankless hot water heaters that people love. One of these is that you don’t have a large hot water heater taking up space and storing gallons of water that must be constantly reheated to keep it at the same temperature.
With tankless hot water heaters, you also have the benefit of water being heated as needed, for as long as needed, rather than storing lots of hot water that may run out if you need a lot of it at one time. Also, the system for a tankless water heater shuts down when the water is not in use, thus saving you the extra money needed to keep a full tank of water as a specific temperature. Because it is smaller, it also allows for easier draining and/or cleaning as needed and in case of an emergency.
Tankless hot water heaters also take up much less space and are more energy efficient. With an expected average life of 20 years, the tankless hot water heater also lasts almost double the length of the 12-year average life of a traditional water heater. It also has the option of being heated by gas or electric power.
Overall, there are many advantages to tankless hot water heaters over a traditional hot water heater. If you have questions or wish to discuss the option of getting a tankless hot water heater, call us today at Ace Hardware Home Services in Hickory, NC. We will gladly answer your questions and get you set up with your new system as soon as possible.